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Expose a Paedophile

‘If I could shout it to the world I would beg you to NEVER EVER hold onto the truth and bury it as a secret’.

This blog is a Societal problem, not a personal or private one….It is everybody's business!

Protecting a paedophile is like cutting the heart out of an abused child.

In my opinion there are very few crimes worse than the sexual slavery cast upon a child. And sexual slavery is exactly what it is. Being forced into all kinds of sexual acts against your will. It’s terrifying and lonely and results in a myriad of mental madness. Starting in a child’s brain.

If you know a paedophile or suspect one please read on:

It’s a crime I’m yet to accept as one in which we harbour the truth to protect the perpetrator. The perpetrator being a family member or family friend or someone known to the family and child in most cases. It gets tricky, I know this more than I can put into words, however if I could shout it to the world I would beg you to NEVER EVER hold onto the truth and bury it as a secret. It will come back to haunt you…please believe me. A kept secret will always surface and when it does you will be reminded of having played a part in protecting a paedophile. Be prepared for answering questions, hard questions. Be prepared for more victims asking why you didn’t speak out to save them, be prepared for hate and blame and your response in trying to claw your way out with answers that can never be justified…

These are the messages I received as a 14 year old by family members trying to protect the man who sexually assaulted me for 8 years….(an extended family member)

We can’t say anything because:

‘we have to protect his wife’

‘it will destroy their marriage’

‘it will destroy the family’

‘he will have a heart attack’

‘your father will kill him and go to jail’

So…he was ultimately protected and other children were not. My emotional needs were imprisoned while he remained a free Man. How do we justify the above comments? It was a different era back then but it’s a far cry from making sense.

His wife was never protected. She was simply lied to while a child rapist shared her bed. Their marriage deserved to be destroyed and allow her to make that decision. How will it destroy the family? He will be punished and I be cared for. We move on in a caring supportive family network, we speak out and in turn educate other people and give reason for others to speak out also. A heart attack? - good! My Father deserved to know that his little girl was in pain. He deserved to make that decision for himself and how best to deal with this man. Instead the ‘easy’ option was taken and another paedophile roamed free with not even a word of warning. This common practice should give a more powerful message that these Men are not in jail, let alone exposed…this is more the reason I plead with you to talk to your kids! (and it has nothing to do with stranger danger)

Are you one of these people thinking you are doing the right thing by keeping the peace but in all reality, you are ultimately protecting a paedophile? To save face, to avoid the back lash you may encounter from family members or the community? All at the expense of protecting more children.

A repulsive, hideous, and inexcusable crime against a little boy or girl. If you know a paedophile, please give this a voice, act to protect that child, teenager or adult involved. Don’t ever forget the moment you walk away from exposing a paedophile is the moment you free him to do it again and again and again and the part you play in being connected to the abuse of that child will remain a chapter in your conscience for the rest of your life. You can never ever take that away. It’s as simple as that.

The crime has been ignored and your action of silence is an action of acceptance.

How can we accept the sexual attacks upon our children, your children, your friends children? My parents never thought this would happen to me and it did. Never live in a world where you think it will never happen to your child. They are sneaky bastards and they will find a way if your child is not educated.

You may think I’m over reacting because it happened to me and I’m a little paranoid…I understand that and accept that, but I will say it’s a cop out and an easy way to turn your head and walk away? It’s my purpose to raise more awareness about this crime and the hard facts come at me thick and fast. I study this crime, I watch it carefully, I know the current news, I study the statistics, I talk to professionals, I research….I do it because I want to protect every child I possibly can. I’m not interested in people who think I’m over the top, I’m not interested in people who think I’m barking up the wrong tree, I’m not interested in any political agenda an individual may have against me personally or with what I’m writing about. I’m only interested in moving forward to put strategies in place, to research who is doing their job out there to protect children in their communities.

I do it because I’m 45 and STILL riddled with pain and torment. Unfortunately it doesn't go away, it just somehow gets managed better. Child sexual rape is a web of emotional poison that punctures deep into your core beliefs, your ability to trust, your self loathing dominating self love and the ferocious whack of the ‘damaged done’ reminders…it’s just so fucked up! It truly is a pit of awful memories and a sickness you strive to be free from!

Exposure is on the rise. Names are being dropped way more than ever before with figures suggesting the common family Man being up to their necks in paedophilia and Child Pornography (Child Sexual Abuse Imagery). Internet accessibility makes this an easy way for a paedophile to seek out their desires more than ever. The stats are scary - 22 million images and videos of suspected child sexual abuse imagery found. 5000% increase over 6 years according to The National Centre for Missing & Exploited Children in the US.

The problem doesn't discriminate…paedophiles don’t belong to certain groups, cultures or religions. They are everywhere with no physical way to know who they are.

As a Woman, and person who despises paedophiles, an important point I want to make to the Men in my life, is for you to know and believe (for what it’s worth) that I do not suspect any of you to be a paedophile. In my known network of friends, friends of friends, teachers etc etc there is not a single Man or Woman (for that matter) who I suspect is a paedophile. If I did we wouldn’t be friends. The crazy thing is we will never know who has these tendencies to rape a Child. They are not dirty old Men with trench coats lurking behind toilets, they are not toothless freaks with crazy eyes. They are as inconspicuous as ever. They are also young. So in other words I do not walk around pointing fingers at Men. I just don't have that radar. I wish I did as I’m sure all parents wished too.

I’m just a girl, wanting to save another girl and another boy and the only way we can do this is to talk to our kids once in a while. That’s a sensible grassroots approach and I plead with you to do the same. Save them from what I went through and continue to go through and if people had of spoken out about the man who did this to me, then I would’ve been spared. It’s that black and white. This is near destroyed me and hurt me the most.

As a community, as a friend, a mother, a father, a brother, please do your bit in the fight against Child Sexual Assault.

According to Braveheart's research (an incredible organisation in Australia):

1 in 5 children will be sexually harmed in some way before their 18th birthday.

1 in 3 females and 1 in 7 males report having experienced some form of child sexual abuse

Adult retrospective studies show that 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men were sexually abused before the age of 18

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