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Why I Write So Explicitly

I want the reader to know what really happens to little people, who are all insanely vulnerable and what they endure from Paedophile's when they are sexually assaulted. (usually from people they have grown to love and trust). I want people to know the depths of a Paedophiles practice. The enormity inflicted on children by these perpetrators (mostly Men, sometimes Women) and how horrific they actually are. There’s no point guarding the truth because people can’t bare to hear it. It’s a serious and sensitive topic. I know that. It’s hurtful and undoubtedly sickening to the ears. The more we brush the ‘hard to hear’ stuff aside and refuse to listen to the real stories, the longer we close the secrecy gates for Paedophile's. Subsequently, we as adults continue to harbour a culture of silence and a society who prefers to turn the other cheek. This crime is still so underground simply because we aren’t enraged enough. Yes no one wants a child to be abused, no one likes a Paedophile, no one would wish it on their worst enemy, BUT we're not enraged enough because more often than not it's too hard to hear the truth. The facts. The details. We shut off, change the channel, refuse to believe, or feelings of disgust all come into play which turn the receptors off to hear any more or feel any more. I get there is a level of information one can bear. I truly do. It is however more important than you realise to put your sensitivities aside and ask the ovbious question - 'what the fuck did he do to you'.

I can testify that my path after I told my Mum when I was 14 would've been a completely different one had someone, anyone ask me what he did. Not a single family member asked me that question. Not then, not now. How can people who call themselves family not want to know. It can determine the class of action, the way forward in how to best deal with this abuse, me - the victim and the punishment of the man that did this to me. Instead, the only person to ask what he did for each fortnight of abuse over eight years was the Police Officer. The truth to my living hell lies in the pages of her report. This kind of abuse, so abhorrent, has failed me and so many thousands of other little people. The dirty culture of secrets within families is still so insistent on creating lies, protecting them and concocting coverups. It does two things - 1. It protects the perpetrator. He/she is clear from conviction because family members scurry around mapping out how to keep it hush hush. Hence they are left to roam around and prey on more kids. 2. The child is forgotten, ignored, never validated, and abandoned. This occurs in such a selfish manner where their emotional wellbeing is completely dismissed by the people who are naturally meant to love and support them. Unbelievable mastery of deception.

The desperate need for more transparency and change is stagnated because of another factor. People/families refuse to ask for specifics - too commonly we fail to ask what he/she did to you in order to ascertain the severity and the nature of the crime? (for the recored one act of abuse is too many) I want people to know when you read or hear such horrendous stories (and yes they vary), with somewhat specific details along with emotionally disturbed consequences for the child, you will inevitably be left with a level of astonishment and fury! What actually happens when we truly grasp the full story of a sexually assaulted child at the age of 6? It hits us hard. It evokes sadness, which in turn evokes anger and for some people, evokes action. It sends people who genuinely care, into a spin. People start to speak out about their anger and intolerance for such a crime. Then something beautiful starts to happen…people start talking about it more, word spreads, anger is shared, multiplied and this kick starts a wave of action. From action we have change and from change we have a shift in culture and from this we have a different thinking society. It goes full circle — the protection of little people is highlighted and the sneaky prey of a Paedophile is diminished. This is why I will not sugar coat my experiences. They are real, they are horrible and they are being inflicted upon children in our country and around the world right now, maybe even your child or someone dear to your heart! I cannot emphasis how secretive this crime is (a lot of you will identify with this) and by talking to each other, including our children, we can stop Paedophiles from raping our children. Share your story and share it well. If you have been sexually abused as a little girl or boy then please click on Rise & Sign, sign your name and know you are playing a major part of an incredibly important movement for change. Where there is AWARENESS, there is ACTION and when there is action there is CHANGE. (head over to resources for more information or read my Paedophile Radar blog)

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