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"my 10 easy tips for helping the planet"



1.  Buy degradable bin liners (around $2.50 for 20) so you don't NEED plastic bags to line bins.


2.  Use recyclable bags when shopping PLEASE. After unpacking groceries put them at the front door so when you go outside you are reminded to put them back in the car. No forgetting!


3.  Recycle what you use (obviously) including toilet rolls - they are paper!! See link for what can go in the recycle bin.


4.  Keep a milk container or similiar under the sink to catch the cold water while you wait for it to heat up when washing dishes (another alternative to the above tip).


5.  Turn the tap OFF while brushing teeth.


6.  Run the hot water tap when rinsing dishes so when it's time to fill the sink (half way if that) to wash the dishes the water will already be hot.


7.  Use a compost bin in your kitchen for food scraps. Place a container with a lid under your sink for all things food. See link for what can go in the compost bin.


8.  Practice not buying single use plastic - food coverings, food wraps, toys etc.

Avoid wrapping fruits & veggies in plastic. It's not needed.


9.  Use the aircon sparingly if you have one. Opt for fans or open windows.


10.  Ditch the disposable cup & water bottle & carry around groovy one. They keep your contents either hot or cold and you never need to buy a plastic water bottle again.




See the bins below for easy sorting & disposal for your kitchen. They are a must have & there are all sorts of cheapies to the flashier more expensive styles.


Note: recycling varies around the world. Check your local council / community guidelines for what can and cannot be recycled.





There are way too many amazing environmental initiatives going on around the world to mention. If you have a super fabulous one that needs to be here let me know

Simply take 3 pieces of rubbish when you leave the beach

A Surfrider Foundation Europe program to tackle the marine litter issue through education, citizen science and lobby. Participate or organise your own clean up

Bye Bye Plastic Bags is a social initiative driven by children, driven by the youth to get the people of Bali to say no to plastic bags.

A conservation organisation trying to end the destruction of habitat and slaughter of wildlife in the world’s oceans

SeabinProject LOGO.png

Our mission statement is simple: To live in a world without the need for Seabins.

If we can have rubbish bins on land then why not have them in the ocean?

40 intriguing facts about plastic pollution

Ban the Plastic Bag in the Whole World - Survey, really informative data & pics

Depending on your local recycle system, these bins are super functional for the kitchen. Beats walking things out in your arms after a pile up explosion

Great resource

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