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Hi, I'm Tara Eastwell.

Follow my stories of one girls struggle & survival after 8 years of child sexual abuse at the hands of her grandfather & the revival of her spirit 



who wants to pash a cactus?
no-one! just like no child wants to have sex with an adult


This website is a testimony of my life, my experiences, my feelings, my thoughts, my struggles, my triumphs and a collection of everything in between. It’s the truth and the freedom I’ve yearned to own and I will try to be the best version of myself along the way.

I'm a dreamer, a lover of all things simple and natural, a crazed foodie, a palm tree obsessor, a door enthusiast, a mother of 2 daughters, a runner, a beach dweller, a woman who adores friendship and family, a sucker for good company, a music lover, a fitness trainer, a gardener, a traveller, a fabric lover, a card giver, an optimist, a sister, an activist for social justice, a surfer, a bamboo appreciator, a bargain hunter, a writer, a creator, a photo taking fiend, a lover of eyes and lips and calf muscles, a beer lover, an ocean addict, a Bali regular, a sport enthusiast and a girl who idolises the beauty and protection of our earth and each other...

My name is Tara Eastwell. I was raped well over 200 times during the ages of 3  or 4 until around age 11 or 12 by the same Man. My sexual abuse was a regular occurrence with a smorgasbord of sexual acts. My younger years carried tumultuous waves of disturbing thoughts and foreign practices. I will speak of my journey and the way I migrated from my turbulent past to a place of peace.

I have been alone for far too long and connecting with you is driving me to work hard on myself, be honest with myself, be truthful to my loved ones and keep pushing for inner freedom! Whether you were sexually violated as a young girl or boy or whether you have been heavily punished enough to be dragged into the darkest of days. Or whether you’ve a beautiful experience in your upbringing and simply wish to contribute. 


You will be most welcome here and I invite your input. My website is for everyone to share stories, scream, cry, love, question, uplift, connect.

Loving yourself is a beautiful thing, missing out is a devastation. Unlocking pain is achievable, speaking out and sharing our stories is vital and elevating ourselves above the pits of despair is key. I will dedicate my time and fully loaded love to my website so we can ride this wave together.

‘An unblemished spirit is a sanctuary every little person is gifted with. We smile through life not knowing any different, simply transported day by day surrounded by love, encouragement and safety. Compromise the vitality of a pure spirit and your life takes on a completely different journey’
Tara Eastwell

Head over to Memoirs for my series of Short Stories to

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